Grading Requirments
A grading is the students method of progressing through the Tae Kwon-Do belt system. Within the TAGB all gradings are carried out by the founder members and committee members, all of whom have vast experience in Taekwondo and will expect the highest standards in order to allow you to advance.
Minimum Training Time; Check your licences for the minimum grading time required between gradings. This is based on training a minimum of twice per week (2 hours at the club). If training once per week your minimum grading time is doubled! Continued absence is also noted & just having a licence does not count unless you are putting in training time at the club!
Pre-Gradings; There will be on going assessment & pre-grading sessions before every grading which all students wishing to grade must be attending class regularly. You must inform your instructor if you cannot make your regular training schedule. Only on passing the on going assessment and meeting all other requirements will the instructor put you forward for your grading. No student should ever assume they can grade, at any time if the instructor decides you are not eligible to grade for any reason you will not be put forward.
Grading Fee's; If you have met all the requirements and you have been given permission to grade the fee is currently £32 (paid via BACs only) & your up to date licence booklet is to be given to instructor for signing.
> Enclosed Photo's if needed or asked for
> No grading forms or money will be taken on the day of the grading.
Grading Etiquette
In tradition with the military history of Tae Kwon-Do, gradings are conducted in a formal manner. Detailed below are items of etiquette to assist a student in successfully passing the gradings:
> Ensure dobok is cleaned, pressed and worn correctly, no trainers/shoes to be worn
> Make sure your belt is tied correctly
> The date and location of your grading should be filled out correctly in the appropiate place in your licence booklet
> While waiting to grade you will show courtesy and respect, by sitting quiet.
> If you are required to spar as part of your grading, you will need a full set of undamaged and clean TAGB approved safety equipment
> Arrive in plenty of time for the start of your grading
> Address all senior grades and instructors as Sir or Ma'am
> When entering the grading dojang be sure to bow towards the front of the dojang or the flags (if present)
> When your name is called answer loud and clear with "Here Sir" or "Here Ma'am"
> Make your way quickly to your standing mark as instructed
> When at your mark take up attention stance, bow and then ready stance
> When asked for name and grade, come to attention, raise your right hand and loudly say your name and present grade, then assume ready stance again
> Listen to instruction from your examiner and at no time talk unnecessarily
> Should you need to adjust your dobok or belt, do so while facing away from your examiner
> When answering theory questions you will be asked to come to attention, bow then assume ready stance. You may change position only to demonstrate techniques or stances if requested to do so
> Only when dismissed by the examiner may you leave your mark
> Your grading begins when you enter the grading dojang and is only finished when you are instructed to leave the dojang
> When leaving the dojang be sure to bow towards the examiner and/or the flags
> Anyone being disrespectful to another student or instructor on the day will not be allowed to grade
> Friends and family are allowed to watch the grading, however, no noise or disruptions will be tolerated
A grading is the students method of progressing through the Tae Kwon-Do belt system. Within the TAGB all gradings are carried out by the founder members and committee members, all of whom have vast experience in Taekwondo and will expect the highest standards in order to allow you to advance.
Minimum Training Time; Check your licences for the minimum grading time required between gradings. This is based on training a minimum of twice per week (2 hours at the club). If training once per week your minimum grading time is doubled! Continued absence is also noted & just having a licence does not count unless you are putting in training time at the club!
Pre-Gradings; There will be on going assessment & pre-grading sessions before every grading which all students wishing to grade must be attending class regularly. You must inform your instructor if you cannot make your regular training schedule. Only on passing the on going assessment and meeting all other requirements will the instructor put you forward for your grading. No student should ever assume they can grade, at any time if the instructor decides you are not eligible to grade for any reason you will not be put forward.
Grading Fee's; If you have met all the requirements and you have been given permission to grade the fee is currently £32 (paid via BACs only) & your up to date licence booklet is to be given to instructor for signing.
> Enclosed Photo's if needed or asked for
> No grading forms or money will be taken on the day of the grading.
Grading Etiquette
In tradition with the military history of Tae Kwon-Do, gradings are conducted in a formal manner. Detailed below are items of etiquette to assist a student in successfully passing the gradings:
> Ensure dobok is cleaned, pressed and worn correctly, no trainers/shoes to be worn
> Make sure your belt is tied correctly
> The date and location of your grading should be filled out correctly in the appropiate place in your licence booklet
> While waiting to grade you will show courtesy and respect, by sitting quiet.
> If you are required to spar as part of your grading, you will need a full set of undamaged and clean TAGB approved safety equipment
> Arrive in plenty of time for the start of your grading
> Address all senior grades and instructors as Sir or Ma'am
> When entering the grading dojang be sure to bow towards the front of the dojang or the flags (if present)
> When your name is called answer loud and clear with "Here Sir" or "Here Ma'am"
> Make your way quickly to your standing mark as instructed
> When at your mark take up attention stance, bow and then ready stance
> When asked for name and grade, come to attention, raise your right hand and loudly say your name and present grade, then assume ready stance again
> Listen to instruction from your examiner and at no time talk unnecessarily
> Should you need to adjust your dobok or belt, do so while facing away from your examiner
> When answering theory questions you will be asked to come to attention, bow then assume ready stance. You may change position only to demonstrate techniques or stances if requested to do so
> Only when dismissed by the examiner may you leave your mark
> Your grading begins when you enter the grading dojang and is only finished when you are instructed to leave the dojang
> When leaving the dojang be sure to bow towards the examiner and/or the flags
> Anyone being disrespectful to another student or instructor on the day will not be allowed to grade
> Friends and family are allowed to watch the grading, however, no noise or disruptions will be tolerated